How I realized the importance of water?

Just when I was meandering in and out of my house, my mom called out to me and told me there was something wrong with the water pumping motor. I reached out to her as soon as I heard her voice. The thought of an empty tank was constantly bugging her. She added that without water it would not be possible for her and us to do the daily chores. I ran towards my room, which took me a while, to call my electrician. The person who I can rely on with my eyes shut. At times, he is lackadaisical and doesn't respond well. As usual, he told me that he was busy and would not be able to come. I told him that it was urgent and there's nothing we could do without his help. That's when I realized how important an electrician is. I sound like a square peg in a round hole in such situations. Jokes apart, I insisted him to visit us the following day and the call ended on an assuring note from his side. Meanwhile, we had the whole day ahead of us and thoughts of water running dry. I will expl

Existence Of Patriarchal Thoughts And Dowry

This morning, my friend sent me a video where a boy was seen proclaiming that women were just a mere property of men. What a bummer! After years of advancement, women are still considered less. The notion of "Equality" doesn't seem to hold true. It's something that I have been wanting to discuss since donkey's years. It's only this morning that I got the motivation to write something on women in Patriarchal societies. Patriarchy seems to have vanished from Urban areas but in some remote villages, the notion and practice of Patriarchy are still alive. Women in such areas are not considered equal. They don't have the right to participate in family matters. They don't have access to education. They are being forced to marry against their choice and even to do household work.

2 years back, I rented an accommodation in Haryana. I was there for work. I was amazed to see some women covering their faces in front of other men. Why aren't such harsh restrictions imposed on men or boys? They are allowed to see or talk to or meet anyone. Women of such houses were not allowed to work or go outside. The people living there were indifferent to this discrimination. They were rather supportive. I felt pity but couldn't do anything to spread awareness that men don't have any right to ostracize or impose restrictions on women. When you can stand in your underwear and your undershirt why can't women give up the practice of veiling their faces. Not only the practice of veiling is prevalent, but Dowry is also another issue that's crumbling Indian societies.

I used to go to a vendor every morning and he once gave me his version of Dowry. He said, "People in Haryana compete with each other when it comes to dowry. If in his neighborhood someone gifts a Maruti Suzuki swift to his daughter's husband-to-be, the other person will gift a bigger or more expensive car just to save his face. What can I say! It's become a tradition here. People have gone berserk." 

Not only accepting but giving dowry is a punishable offense. I will not go into many details. Section 2, 3, 4, and 8 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 talks about the imprisonment and fine that one is liable if one gets oneself involved in the aforementioned practice. Sections 304(b), 498(a), 302, and 306 of the Indian Penal Code, 1980 state that if someone is found violating the norms established under the code, he will be subjected to a minimum of 7 years of imprisonment and in critical circumstances, it may lead to life imprisonment.

So if you have already read this and still continuing the practice of dowry, be prepared to face the music. 


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