How I realized the importance of water?

Just when I was meandering in and out of my house, my mom called out to me and told me there was something wrong with the water pumping motor. I reached out to her as soon as I heard her voice. The thought of an empty tank was constantly bugging her. She added that without water it would not be possible for her and us to do the daily chores. I ran towards my room, which took me a while, to call my electrician. The person who I can rely on with my eyes shut. At times, he is lackadaisical and doesn't respond well. As usual, he told me that he was busy and would not be able to come. I told him that it was urgent and there's nothing we could do without his help. That's when I realized how important an electrician is. I sound like a square peg in a round hole in such situations. Jokes apart, I insisted him to visit us the following day and the call ended on an assuring note from his side. Meanwhile, we had the whole day ahead of us and thoughts of water running dry. I will expl

About A Short But Heartfelt Video On Instagram

Hardly there's anybody in the world who doesn't know about Instagram. It has become a part of our lives, especially mine, and is a great source of entertainment and knowledge. Students get study material that helps them become knowledgeable and entertainers get a platform on which they can showcase their talents. Instagram has been recently acquired by Meta's(formerly Facebook) founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Yesterday, I saw an informative video on Instagram and am here to shed some light on it. A teacher was asking his students about the weight of a not-so-fully filled glass. As expected, nobody thought logically and the teacher received different answers but of the same nature. He asked Melissa(one of his students), "How heavy do you think this glass is?" She said, "8 ounces." Meanwhile, another student gave it a thought and said 12 ounces. And finally, the last answer he received was 16 ounces. He(the teacher) said, "The absolute weight of the glass doesn't matter. What matters the most is the period for which I hold on to this glass. If I hold it for one minute, nothing will happen. If I hold it for 1 hour, my arm will begin to ache. If I hold it all day long, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed." 

Then he said something very valuable. He said, "The weight of the glass hasn't changed but the longer I hold on to it, the heavier it becomes. The stresses and worries in life are like this glass of water. If you think about them for a little while, there will be no problem. If you think about them for a little longer, it begins to ache. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed. Incapable of doing anything. Always remember: Put the glass down.

If you ponder too much upon things that bother you, it will make you dolorous. Your body will not be able to function properly. You will feel crummy. 

If you find yourself in such a gremlin, you can circumvent it in either of the two ways: 

Quash it by dealing with it
Or Relinquish it because putting up with it will only make the situation grim.


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