
How I realized the importance of water?

Just when I was meandering in and out of my house, my mom called out to me and told me there was something wrong with the water pumping motor. I reached out to her as soon as I heard her voice. The thought of an empty tank was constantly bugging her. She added that without water it would not be possible for her and us to do the daily chores. I ran towards my room, which took me a while, to call my electrician. The person who I can rely on with my eyes shut. At times, he is lackadaisical and doesn't respond well. As usual, he told me that he was busy and would not be able to come. I told him that it was urgent and there's nothing we could do without his help. That's when I realized how important an electrician is. I sound like a square peg in a round hole in such situations. Jokes apart, I insisted him to visit us the following day and the call ended on an assuring note from his side. Meanwhile, we had the whole day ahead of us and thoughts of water running dry. I will expl

Why do some people end up doing nothing?

From the beginning, they have a tendency to not settle for less. They prefer sitting idle to working somewhere. In the pursuit of not settling for less, they end up settling for nothing. Sometimes they succeed too if they don't emotionally break down in the process. They consider it futile to work 9 to 5 for someone who pays a meager salary in return. Let's say that you have to get to the top of a multi-story building and the lift is not working. Going by stairs is the only option left. The lift may or may not get repaired within a stipulated period. What would you do? Well if I were put in the same situation, I would wait for the lift to be functional and it's something that most of us would do. What if a person on the 15th floor is waiting for you and is expecting you in the next fifteen minutes? Will you still wait for the lift or take the stairs? Some of us would still wait for the lift to be functional but a wise person would take the stairs knowing that if he disappoi

Love, nowadays - Just a Bodily Attraction

Guy - I think I love you. Girl - What makes you say so? Guy - I don’t know. I just think you are very pretty. I got attracted to you the first time I crossed paths with you.  What does the aforementioned conversation indicate? Most of us will say that the guy loves the girl unconditionally and his love is immaculate. But if you carefully look at the reply of the boy, he deems to love her based on a condition, that is, she is extremely charismatic. Love nowadays is not a complex word/thing - you see a girl or a boy from a distance and you fall in love. But according to me, love is not just a bodily attraction. It’s way way more than that. I won’t join hands with someone who is just physically attractive or dresses nicely. Do you happen to like everybody you meet? No, right. And what forms the basis of your liking? Well, you look for a certain set of qualities in the other person and if you happen to find such a set, you start admiring that person. You make him/her your go-to companio

Peace: A Quiet and Calm State of Mind

There are several ways in which one can attain peace but it totally depends on oneself. I prefer sitting motionlessly in a place and listening to songs of my choice without having anyone horning in on the process. We all are very much occupied with the mind-numbing activities of ours that we even forget to pay attention to our mental health which in turn has a negative toll on our health. Sometimes getting oneself involved in an endless debate or irrelevant talks leads to frustration and hence, negatively affects one’s mind. Peace can neither be taken from somebody nor can be bought offline or online. It comes from within. Being desirous of things that one doesn’t have leads to unhappiness and thus, hinders the process of attaining peace. One should learn to contend with the things one has instead of being sad about the things one doesn’t have. Though, I disagree with the statement, “Money can’t buy you happiness” because the inability to buy anything for oneself will definitely not ma

Success - A Diverse Phenomenon

The whole idea of this blog is to motivate people to the best extent possible. Success is one such word that brings a smile to almost everyone's face. Two days back, I asked a couple of my friends to give me their viewpoints on the word Success. Here are some of the finest viewpoints that I have gathered.  Harsh Singh(a good friend and a musicophile) Success has many different meanings... It varies from person to person... For me, Success does not mean being on the list of the world's Richest or most Famous Personalities... For me, Success is something that I can really admire... Makes my soul happy... Gives me a feeling of contentment... Working for a cause... Doing something that interests me... Motivates me... Makes me want to leave the bed early in the morning...  Just to enlighten you about my goals... I want to become a musician plus a composer... But it doesn't mean that I want to be a famous singer like Arjit or Rahman... Want to create music that is soothing to the

Hope - A four letter word

I think I will get through this tough phase. I think I will pass this examination. I assure you that it will work. All these clauses indicate what? A four letter word called Hope . Hope that you read this passage to its last line. We rely too much on Hope, isn't it? It rained cats and dogs today. I hope that the Sun shows up tomorrow. Oh God! I can't really write a sentence without using the word Hope. It's the second most used word - be it blessings or be it formal conversations or be it recovery messages - after the word God. It is an entity that gives wings to our imagination, calms our beating heart, give vent to our feelings and what not.  Where there are uncertainties, there is hope. If Darkness is an uncertainty, light will be notion of hope that will let us get rid of the darkness. To connect two dots, you need a line. To join two distant places, you need roads. To connect two people, you need the way to their hearts. To pass an examination, you need to meet a certa

A chapter of happiness in one's life

Happiness is something that can't be measured in numbers; it can only be felt. It is the moments of happiness that reminds us of the good things that happened to us and last forever. A couple of days ago, I asked my cronies and my kindred to tell me about a moment when they helped someone or when they felt happy. Although, I have received a bunch of replies yet I can't mention all of them here. I have only quoted a few here, including myself, which are voiced below.  I (A Computer Science Engineer and a Writer) One day I was standing at my door and a dog came running toward me. She was hungry I guess. I went inside immediately, opened the refrigerator, and fetched some bread crumbs for her. It was so good to see her waiting hand and foot on me. Although she saw me going inside yet she didn’t go away until she had her fill. Once she was fed, she started dancing around me. It was, maybe her way of thanking me. For a moment, it felt like there was no end to her merriment. It wa

An act of generosity

It was yesterday when my mother told me to go to the market and get some vegetables. I went to a place called Ratan Singh Chowk, which is situated in Amritsar, and stopped by a good-looking vegetable vendor. He greeted me with a smile and I acknowledged him with a smile too. I usually rely on cards and I don't keep much cash in my wallet. Thanks to digitization. I was in so much hurry that I forgot to check my purse for cash. At first, I bought 3-4 vegetables and asked the vendor to bargain and he refused by saying that the rates are fixed and genuine. I usually don't bargain with fruit and vegetable vendors but I was a bit low on cash. At last, I told him to give me 1kg cauliflower. He said that it would be 80 bucks. I told him to pack it. I soon took out my wallet and realized that I didn't have enough cash to pay him and only had 60 bucks. I was not embarrassed. Things like these happen every now and then. I told him to remove the cauliflower as I am a little low on cash